What Happens When You Are Accused of a Hate Crime in Maryland?A new website has recently been created in Maryland to help identify and combat hate crimes across the state. This website has raised concerns and curiosity about the implications of being accused of a hate crime. Accusations of hate crimes are serious, and in today’s society, individuals are often presumed guilty by the public, even without evidence. If you have been accused of committing a hate crime in Bowie, Dunkirk, or anywhere else in Maryland, it is crucial to get in touch with an experienced and aggressive criminal defense attorney like Joseph Carey immediately.

About the new hate-crime website

In June 2024, Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown made the official announcement that a new website was launching to help combat hate crimes. The website provides a reporting tool that will allow individuals to report instances of hate crime that they experienced, which includes verbal abuse and even the display of hate literature in a public place. The reporting tool is completely anonymous, allowing individuals to feel safe by making anonymous reports and increasing the state’s efforts to make the state safer for everyone.

Attorney General Brown stated in the video on his website informing the public about the new site, “Tackling hate crimes and hate bias incidents is one of my top priorities as your attorney general because there is no home for hate in Maryland. My office is working to create an environment here in Maryland where people feel safe speaking up, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or homelessness.”

The reason why Brown and other state officials felt that it was necessary to create a website with an anonymous reporting system is that hate crimes typically go unreported due to victims being reluctant or afraid to speak out or get law enforcement involved. Therefore, since Maryland’s hate crimes are increasing, the new hate crime website seems like a good idea to help potentially reduce the number of hate crimes occurring across the state.

Defining a hate crime

A hate crime is defined by the U.S. Department of Justice as a “crime motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability.” Hate crimes involve criminal acts motivated by hatred towards specific characteristics of the victim. Examples include:

  • Assaulting a person because of their race
  • Making threats to attack a religious institution
  • Creating and displaying a list of people who migrated from a specific country and suggesting they be targeted with violence

What happens if I am accused of a hate crime in Calvert County?

With the new hate crime website in place, there is a strong possibility that people who do not even commit hate crimes might end up being anonymously reported. If this happens to you, it is highly recommended that you retain a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. Hate crime cases are complex and challenging, and convictions often result in severe penalties, including life sentences. An experienced lawyer can help reduce or dismiss the charges.

At Carey Law Office, we know that the prosecutor must be able to successfully prove that you committed a crime and that part of your reason for committing that crime was hatred of a particular protected characteristic of the victim. If the prosecutor does not have significant evidence showing that you committed a hate crime, you should not feel pressured to plead guilty or take a plea bargain until you have consulted with an experienced attorney about your situation and circumstances.

Some possible defenses that your attorney might raise include:

  • Arguing insufficient evidence for a hate crime conviction
  • Proving mistaken identity
  • Demonstrating a lack of hate motivation

What are the penalties for a hate crime in Bowie or Dunkirk?

If a person is convicted of a hate crime anywhere in Maryland, they usually receive additional sentencing on top of the sentencing for the crime they committed. Therefore, according to Maryland Code 10-306, if a person commits a hate crime that caused someone to die, they may receive 20 more years of prison and a fine of up to $20,000 added to their sentencing. If a person commits a hate crime that is considered a felony, they may receive ten more years of prison and a fine up to $10,000 added to their sentencing, and if a person commits a hate crime that is considered a misdemeanor, they may receive three more years of prison and a fine up to $5,000 added to their sentencing.

A hate crime accusation is very difficult to face. Even if you were nowhere near the scene of the hate crime that was committed, once your name has been associated with this type of crime, society typically presumes that you are already guilty. As a result, your entire life and future can change. That is why you need an experienced and skilled lawyer to defend you against the hate crime charges as well as the allegations that have likely been made against you. Joseph Carey and the team at Carey Law Office will advocate for your rights and ensure that your reputation is protected and restored. Please call our office or complete our contact form to schedule a case review today. We serve clients in Bowie, Dunkirk, and throughout Calvert County.