Free Consultation: 301-464-2500

Joseph Carey

About Joseph Carey

My name is Joe Carey, and I am the founder and principal attorney of the Carey Law Office. I have lived in Maryland my entire life. I grew up in a small town in Prince George’s County and, with the help of my partner in life, Nancy, I raised my family here: three exceptional children (a son and two daughters), and two goofy, spoiled black Labrador Retrievers. Learn More
Oct 27, 2020

Chadwick Boseman Died without a Will – What Happens Next?

By |October 27th, 2020|Estate Planning|

Photo Credit: Jordan Strauss/Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP On August 28, 2020, actor Chadwick Boseman, best known for the blockbuster movie “Black Panther,” died of colon cancer at age forty-three. His death came as a shock to fans and the general public, due to his young age and the fact that he kept his illness and medical treatments private. Shortly before his death, Boseman married his longtime girlfriend, Taylor Simone Ledward, leaving behind an estate valued [...]

Oct 20, 2020

How Does Jurisdiction Work?

By |October 20th, 2020|Criminal|

The Constitution of the United States delineates areas of jurisdiction within the nation, allotting certain obligations and rights to both the federal government and state governments. Jurisdiction involves a court’s power to hear and adjudicate cases. Under criminal law, the imposition of punishment is connected with the proper jurisdiction. If a court does not have jurisdiction, any convictions are sentences issued by that court are not enforceable. Each of the 50 states has its own [...]

Sep 29, 2020

Expunging a Juvenile’s Record in Maryland

By |September 29th, 2020|Criminal|

Expungement is the action of the state to remove a police or court record of an individual from public view and inspection. Expungement may involve the relocation of the record to a secure area to prevent individuals who have no right to see the record from seeing it, or it may involve the destruction of the record altogether. Under certain circumstances, Maryland law allows someone with a juvenile record of delinquency to seek expungement of [...]

Sep 22, 2020

The Two Breath Tests You May Encounter after a DUI Stop

By |September 22nd, 2020|DUI|

When you get pulled over for DUI in Maryland, the police officer will likely ask you to step out of the car and perform a series of field sobriety tests. He or she may also ask you to breathe into a little machine. Then, if you are taken to the police station, you may be asked to breathe into a completely different machine. This is because in Maryland, drivers suspected of being under the influence [...]

Sep 1, 2020

Maryland Court of Appeals Says Smell of Marijuana Does Not Constitute Probable Cause

By |September 1st, 2020|Drugs|

In order to be subjected to a search, police need probable cause; otherwise, it is a violation of the Fourth Amendment. For years, law enforcement officers in Maryland have used the odor of marijuana as their probable cause to search someone. The Maryland Court of Appeals issued another ruling recently that puts an end to this practice. Chief Judge Mary Ellen Barbera authored the unanimous ruling, which said in part: In order to lawfully arrest [...]

Aug 17, 2020

Overhaul of Campus Sexual Assault Standards Earns Praise from Some Scholars

By |August 17th, 2020|Sexual Assault|

Back in early May, the U.S. Department of Education issued a series of new standards that govern how educational institutions are to implement Title IX. These revamped regulations are a complete overhaul from the previous administration’s regulations as it concerns policies and procedures about sexual assault and harassment allegations. Universities and other institutions of learning are placed under a different set of responsibilities when handling these claims. In 1973, Title IX was instituted. The law [...]

Aug 12, 2020

New Learning Collaborative Intended to Reduce DUI Injuries and Deaths in Maryland

By |August 12th, 2020|DUI|

Driving under the influence is a serious criminal charge. If convicted, individuals face significant fines, loss of driving privileges, and time spent in jail. The seriousness with which the state of Maryland considers these offenses is reflected in its recent announcement – through the Department of Transportation in the state – that it will participate in a Learning Collaborative designed to tackle the problem of drunk driving statewide and reduce its occurrence. The state of [...]

Aug 4, 2020

COVID-19 and Inmate Release Issues

By |August 4th, 2020|Criminal|

The coronavirus pandemic has been sweeping across the nation over the last four months, including in jails and prisons in many states. In these facilities it is difficult in many cases to maintain proper social distancing between inmates. Due to these concerns, many politicians and advocates have promoted successfully the idea of releasing inmates, particularly those who are of less of a threat to the general public – some who may have committed low-level misdemeanors [...]

Jul 28, 2020

What Happens If I Get Arrested at a Protest?

By |July 28th, 2020|Criminal|

Protests come in various sizes. Sometimes only a small handful of people gather holding signs, and at other times hundreds congregate and march down streets demanding certain changes in society. At times these protests involve certain individuals exhibiting disorderly conduct or breaking other laws. Depending on the type of demonstration involved, it is important to understand when you could be arrested by law enforcement and what happens if that occurs. This involves understanding your rights, [...]

Jul 23, 2020

Maryland Court of Appeals Recognizes New Cause of Action: Intentional Interference with an Inheritance or Gift

By |July 23rd, 2020|Estate Planning|

The Maryland Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state, has recognized a new cause of action: intentional interference with an inheritance or gift. The action arose out of Barclay v. Castruccio  (No. 30, Sept. Term 2019). The court held unanimously that claimants who file frivolous lawsuits against named beneficiaries of a will may be liable for interference. Per The Daily Record, “With the high court’s ruling, Maryland joins about 25 other states in [...]

Jul 14, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions about Parole in Maryland

By |July 14th, 2020|Criminal|

Parole is a method for a prisoner to be released from prison before he/she has completed his/her full sentence. Parole is determined in Maryland by the Division of Parole and Probation. It is a way of reducing the prison population and rewarding good behavior in prison. Parole may be granted only after there is parole hearing. Parolees are required to comply with numerous conditions while they are released. If they violate the terms of the [...]

Jun 23, 2020

Montgomery County Is Aggressively Targeting Drunk Drivers

By |June 23rd, 2020|DUI|

Though the COVID-19 crisis has forced people to stay at home or limit their activities, there are still many drivers on the road. Police in Montgomery County and throughout Maryland are targeting drivers for speeding, DUIs, and other traffic offenses. Conviction for a DUI can result in prison time, substantial fines, loss of driving privileges, increased insurance premiums, and other consequences. The Patch reported that between May 18 to May 24, Rockville Barrack state troopers [...]

Jun 9, 2020

The Risks of Interlock Ignition Devices

By |June 9th, 2020|DUI|

Maryland requires some drivers who are found guilty of driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in their vehicle. Additionally, drivers can be required to use an IID due to an administrative suspension, or as part of their eligibility for a work permit license. According to the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration, drivers who participate in the state IID program will be required to use the interlock ignition [...]

Jun 2, 2020

Statute of Limitations & Uninsured Motorist Claims

By |June 2nd, 2020|Auto Accidents|

We have car insurance to protect ourselves (and others) financially in the event of an accident. It prevents us from having to pay out-of-pocket for medical expenses, vehicle damages, and other costs after a car wreck. One form of auto insurance available is uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage (UM/UIM). Uninsured motorist coverage is meant to cover your car accident injuries without having to pay copays, deductibles, or other expenses when you’re injured by a driver without insurance. [...]

May 26, 2020

Maryland Appeals Court Rules the State Cannot Force Retroactive Sex Offender Registration

By |May 26th, 2020|Sexual Assault|

Maryland passed its first sex offender registration law in 1995. That law applied to all crimes committed after October 1, 1995. The law was amended several times between 2001 and 20010 to require that sex offender registration be retroactive. The 2010 amendment specifically created a se offender tier classification system. Tier III sex offenders, the most serious classification, require the offender to register every three months for the rest of their lives. In 2014, the [...]

May 12, 2020

Does the Chief Judge of the highest court of Maryland have the legal authority to suspend a Statute of Limitations in the Maryland Code due to a health emergency for an entire community?

By |May 12th, 2020|Criminal|

Although we have never been in this situation before, I would say that the answer is probably yes. In Maryland (as in other jurisdictions), the statute of limitations is “procedural.” Doughty v. Prettyman, 219 Md. 83, 88 (1959). Further, Article IV, § 18(a) of the Maryland Constitution provides: The Court of Appeals from time to time shall adopt rules and regulations concerning the practice and procedure in and the administration of the appellate courts and [...]

May 5, 2020

Are Maryland’s “Stay At Home” Orders Constitutional?

By |May 5th, 2020|Legal Matters|

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many governors across the nation are signing executive orders regarding sheltering in place and staying at home – prohibiting large gatherings, public meetings, and requiring closings of non-essential businesses. When Governor Larry Hogan issued his Stay at Home Order on March 30, he said, “This is a deadly public health crisis—we are no longer asking or suggesting that Marylanders stay home, we are directing them to do so. No Maryland [...]

Apr 28, 2020

The Maryland Criminal Justice System during the Coronavirus Crisis

By |April 28th, 2020|Criminal|

The COVID-19 health crisis has changed the ways the Maryland criminal courts and other courts and agencies operate. Many courts and agencies have suspended services which affect the rights of those with pending cases, those with outstanding charges, and those who need to use the agencies to restore their licenses and start their life again. At Carey Law Office, we hope everyone is healthy and continues to stay healthy. We are keeping current with the [...]

Apr 14, 2020

Shoplifting Offenses and the Juvenile Justice System in Maryland

By |April 14th, 2020|Criminal|

When someone under the age of 18 commits a crime, they’re not dealt with through the adult criminal justice system, but through the juvenile justice system instead. Here in Maryland, the Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) has its own intake, court, prosecutors, detention, and rules. However, a criminal offense is still a criminal offense, and this includes the common crime of shoplifting. The juvenile justice system exists because the law doesn’t consider minors to have [...]

Apr 7, 2020

How Do I Get My Driver’s License Back after a DUI in Maryland?

By |April 7th, 2020|DUI|

As we all know, Maryland and the entire country has laws that intend to keep drunk drivers off the road. If someone intentionally breaks these laws and is convicted of DUI or DWI, their driver’s license can be indefinitely suspended or revoked. Once this has happened to you, after you have served the conditions of your sentence, you may be able to apply to have your license reinstated. If you’ve had your license revoked, you [...]

Mar 31, 2020

The Sex Offender Registry in Maryland – Frequently Asked Questions

By |March 31st, 2020|Criminal|

The national sex offender registry is a public list used for the purpose of identifying individuals convicted of sex crimes. Every state, including Maryland, has its own registry and procedures, and anyone convicted of a sex crime is required to register in the state in which they live and work. The sex offender registry is also public and accessible to anyone – meaning people can see who is on it, where they live, and what [...]

Mar 24, 2020

How to Obtain a Restricted Driver’s License

By |March 24th, 2020|DUI|

After a DUI conviction or motor vehicle violation, the Maryland Motor Vehicle Association (MVA) will take steps to revoke or suspend your driver’s license. However, you may be eligible for a restricted license instead of having your license suspended or revoked. A restricted license is a way for you to continue to drive for the most important activities even after a license suspension, provided you follow and abide by all the rules of the particular [...]

Mar 17, 2020

The Opioid Epidemic, Overdoses, and Homicide Law

By |March 17th, 2020|Drugs|

In 2015, a young woman named Jamie Maynard gave a small amount of heroin to an acquaintance, Courtney Penix, who later overdosed and died. Maynard was not a dealer or trafficker, but an addict trying to help out another addict. As authorities investigated, Maynard found herself swept up in the prosecution’s zeal to punish everyone and anyone connected to Penix’s death, and was eventually charged with involuntary manslaughter and drug trafficking. She was sentenced to [...]

Mar 10, 2020

Will I Lose My Professional License after a DUI or DWI?

By |March 10th, 2020|DUI|

If you’re convicted of a DUI, the immediate consequences that might come to mind would be a criminal record and loss of your driver’s license. However, for many people, the stakes can be even higher – a loss of professional license. Losing your professional license can cost you your job, future employment opportunities and the ability to earn a living. After putting in so much time, energy and money into your education and career, don’t [...]

Feb 11, 2020

Why Sometimes a Plea Bargain May Be the Right Choice

By |February 11th, 2020|Criminal|

A criminal record is a criminal record, and even a misdemeanor charge can have some chilling effects on the way you live your life. That being said, however, there are occasions when agreeing to a lesser charge may be your best and only option. For example, if you admit to a crime that you actually committed, and you are offered a misdemeanor charge in lieu of a felony charge, accepting the lesser charge may be [...]

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Susan M.

"I was very pleased with the help I got. Even though I was scared, had never been in trouble before, and had a lot of questions, everyone was as nice and sweet as they could be – I loved everybody. Mr. Carey is a classy, intelligent man, and he and [his staff] make a great team. I always keep their number in my phone and their card in my wallet, and if I ever need a lawyer, that’s who I’ll call."

Susan M.

Jonathan V.

"It was a great experience, [Mr. Carey] did a really good job. I was recommended through a friend, and I was very happy – he was a lot better than my last lawyer."

Jonathan V.

Monica B.

"We were very pleased – the case had a nice outcome. [Mr. Carey] was professional, courteous, and on time. He was so easy to talk to, concerned, and caring – it was an enjoyable experience for what we had to go through. I also really appreciated how he was so easy to contact, and [the staff] really put me at ease."

Monica B.

Robbie L.

"I have to say thank you with all my heart. Mr. Carey is a wonderful lawyer."

Robbie L.

Larry M.

"My experience at Carey Law Office was nothing but success and I truly value all the great work he and his team did."

Larry M.

Godfrey E.

"[This is a] very, very, very professional office. [Everyone is] very attentive to clients’ problems, working diligently to communicate with [their] clients."

Godfrey E.