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Dec 24, 2018

Sexual Assault Charges Can Be Brought Years after an Alleged Offense

By |December 24th, 2018|Criminal|

The Statute of Limitations is the time after which the government is prevented from charging someone with the commission of a crime. Most crimes have statutes of limitations for several reasons. There is concern that memories fade with time. Physical evidence may deteriorate with time. If cases aren’t filed within the statute of limitations, the case is forever barred. In cases of sexual assault, rape and other crimes, many victims (according to the Rape, Abuse [...]

Dec 19, 2018

Maryland Becomes Sixth State to Pass an Extreme Risk Protective Order

By |December 19th, 2018|Gun Laws|

Maryland has become the 6th state to pass an Extreme Risk Protective Order (ERPO) law. The law is in response to many different shootings throughout the country. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence praised the new law, claiming it will remove guns from people who pose a danger to the public and themselves. Legislators and community advocates are pushing for the ERPO laws because of concerns many of the shooters could have been stopped if [...]

Feb 21, 2015

Streaming Movies: Is It Legal?

By |February 21st, 2015|Legal Matters|

It happens so often: you want to see a certain movie but you can’t find it on Netflix or Redbox. If you don’t want to buy the movie, how else can you watch it? Many will choose to watch these movies online, free of charge. If you choose to do this, you need to know what’s legal and what isn’t. Take it from these University of Maryland students: no movie is worth jail time. The Basics Movies are a [...]

Aug 3, 2014

Employee Spotlight: Nancy Carey

By |August 3rd, 2014|Firm News|

This month, Nancy Carey is the focus of our Employee Spotlight! A Certified Paralegal, Nancy has accumulated a diverse range of legal experience in Prince George’s County by working in the County Police Department, the Board of Elections, the County Attorney’s Office, as well as two private law firms. As our paralegal and law firm administrator, Nancy keeps Carey Law Office running smoothly, handling a range of tasks: from general day-to-day business operations to running our marketing [...]

Jul 26, 2014

Driving High: Dangerous or Harmless?

By |July 26th, 2014|Legal Matters|

The fairly recent decriminalization of marijuana in Maryland has opened a discussion about the ways it could affect driving abilities. Plenty of people seem to believe that they are “better drivers” when high – that it simply causes people to drive more slowly and cautiously. So what’s the big deal? Is driving while high really that bad? Effects on Driving Driving while under the influence of marijuana is much more dangerous than many Americans might think. While [...]

Jul 8, 2014

Three Myths About Sobriety Checkpoints

By |July 8th, 2014|Legal Matters|

Sobriety checkpoints often occur on holidays, high-traffic weekends, and popular driving routes. This makes them common during the summer – but do you know what you do and don’t have to do if you’re stopped at a sobriety checkpoint? To help you out, we’ve addressed some common misconceptions that could get you in trouble.   If I come across a sobriety checkpoint, there’s no way I can avoid it. Actually, you don’t have to participate in these [...]

Jun 20, 2014

Beer and (Soccer) Balls

By |June 20th, 2014|Legal Matters|

US fans everywhere have gone wild during the past two games against Ghana and Portugal. There are countless videos on YouTube documenting reactions to US goals, such as this one: Looks familiar, right? Based on reactions from the past two games, the US v. Germany game tomorrow should trigger just as much insanity. While it's no secret that World Cup games are incredibly exciting, you should always use your best judgment when watching. If [...]

May 22, 2014

New Online Case Management Platform

By |May 22nd, 2014|Legal Matters|

We at Carey Law Office are proud to introduce our new client portal through MyCase. The privacy of our clients has always been of utmost importance to us. By adopting an online case management platform with a bank-grade security system, we have taken measures to maximize our clients’ privacy. Another reason we love the MyCase portal is the level of sheer convenience it provides. Now, all of our clients can see everything pertaining to their individual cases 24/7 in [...]

Feb 3, 2014

Love and Marriage…and Prenuptial Agreements

By |February 3rd, 2014|Legal Matters|

February is commonly known as the month of love. In Maryland, we are now fortunate to be able to celebrate true marriage equality – not only at the state level, but also at the federal level of government. With marriage often comes the topic of contracts, such as prenuptial agreements. There seems to be a stigma attached to prenuptial agreements; many people associate them with divorce. However, these kinds of contracts are used in other [...]

Jan 3, 2014

Reflections and Resolutions

By |January 3rd, 2014|Legal Matters|

A new year signifies reflection, change, and advancement. Accordingly, we at Carey Law Office have taken time to analyze the many advances we’ve made in the past year. We would also like to share with you the improvements that 2014 will bring. Needless to say, 2013 was a big year for us. The past year marked a number of new developments at Carey Law Office. We are proud to say that we have successfully made [...]

Nov 15, 2013

Hit and Run Accidents

By |November 15th, 2013|Auto Accidents|

Often people don’t realize their legal obligations; sometimes people panic at the thought of the legal consequences that may arise as a result of their accident. There are a number of reasons why people do not always stop at the scene of an accident. However, there is a complicated maze of laws surrounding hit and run accidents; if you’re not informed, you could find yourself in a lot of trouble with the law. The laws [...]

Aug 7, 2013

Naked Tanning

By |August 7th, 2013|Legal Matters|

As the summer season comes to a close, everyone is anxious to soak up those last few rays of sun while they still can. However, at least primarily for women, sunbathing always brings the issue of tan lines. During summer, many want to look like they were born with a natural, everlasting sun-kissed glow – but if you’re pale (like some of us), that simply isn’t the case. So how can you get the most [...]

Jul 1, 2013

Fireworks: the Explosive Facts

By |July 1st, 2013|Legal Matters|

The 4th of July is a uniquely American celebration, reminding people of freedom, apple pie, and fireworks. Although many people love to hold their own fireworks displays, most don’t know the laws surrounding fireworks in Maryland. Not knowing could result in a hefty fine – that’s why we at Carey Law Office want to prevent your holiday from going up in flames. What Fireworks are Legal? Maryland’s fireworks laws are very confusing, differing by county. The State allows only [...]

Jun 12, 2013

Summer Safety: Dog Bite Edition

By |June 12th, 2013|Dog Bite|

For many, the start of the summer season is synonymous with more time spent outside. We’re all well aware that we need to prepare for these summer months – applying sunscreen, stocking up on popsicles, etc. But how many of us have prepared for potential dog bites? Sure, it sounds a little silly – I’m willing to bet that most Maryland residents haven’t researched the state’s legislation surrounding dog bites. However, summer months also mean [...]

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Susan M.

"I was very pleased with the help I got. Even though I was scared, had never been in trouble before, and had a lot of questions, everyone was as nice and sweet as they could be – I loved everybody. Mr. Carey is a classy, intelligent man, and he and [his staff] make a great team. I always keep their number in my phone and their card in my wallet, and if I ever need a lawyer, that’s who I’ll call."

Susan M.

Jonathan V.

"It was a great experience, [Mr. Carey] did a really good job. I was recommended through a friend, and I was very happy – he was a lot better than my last lawyer."

Jonathan V.

Monica B.

"We were very pleased – the case had a nice outcome. [Mr. Carey] was professional, courteous, and on time. He was so easy to talk to, concerned, and caring – it was an enjoyable experience for what we had to go through. I also really appreciated how he was so easy to contact, and [the staff] really put me at ease."

Monica B.

Robbie L.

"I have to say thank you with all my heart. Mr. Carey is a wonderful lawyer."

Robbie L.

Larry M.

"My experience at Carey Law Office was nothing but success and I truly value all the great work he and his team did."

Larry M.

Godfrey E.

"[This is a] very, very, very professional office. [Everyone is] very attentive to clients’ problems, working diligently to communicate with [their] clients."

Godfrey E.