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May 6, 2024

Embezzlement and Fraud Crimes in Maryland

By |May 6th, 2024|Fraud|

Financial crimes like embezzlement and fraud can have devastating consequences for both victims and the accused. Here in Maryland, these offenses are treated seriously, with potential penalties ranging from hefty fines to significant jail time. If you are facing embezzlement or fraud charges, understanding the specific laws and potential defenses is critical for your defense. Embezzlement vs. fraud While both embezzlement and fraud involve deception and misuse of funds, they have distinct legal definitions: Embezzlement: [...]

Apr 15, 2024

What to Do When Pulled Over by Police

By |April 15th, 2024|Criminal|

Being pulled over by the police can be a nerve-wracking experience, but staying calm and following proper protocol can significantly improve your outcome. Today’s blog equips you with comprehensive knowledge and practical steps to manage a traffic stop safely and respectfully. Before you’re stopped Familiarize yourself with Maryland’s traffic laws and your rights during a police stop. Ensure your driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance are easily accessible in your glove compartment or center [...]

Apr 8, 2024

Debunking Common Myths About Criminal Law

By |April 8th, 2024|Criminal|

Thanks to film, television, and armchair pundits online, a lot of folks have inaccurate expectations and beliefs about the legal system. This can be detrimental if you’re facing criminal charges, as you may act or behave in ways you think will protect your rights – when in fact, they do anything but. This blog aims to debunk some of the most common myths surrounding criminal law and give you more accurate information about your rights, [...]

Apr 1, 2024

What Are the Most Common White-Collar Crimes?

By |April 1st, 2024|Criminal|

White-collar crime is a category of non-violent offenses typically committed by individuals or entities in the context of business, finance, or professional settings. Unlike traditional “street” crimes, white-collar crimes are characterized by their deceptive or fraudulent nature, often involving schemes to obtain financial gain through illegal means. Following is a discussion of some of the most common white-collar crimes. Fraud Fraud is one of the most common forms of white-collar crime, encompassing a wide range [...]

Mar 25, 2024

Meet Margaret Brent and Etta Haynie Maddox, Maryland’s First Women Attorneys

By |March 25th, 2024|Legal Matters|

This Women’s History Month, our practice would like to shine a light on two women who made history in Maryland. Margaret Brent and Etta Haynie Maddox were Maryland’s first female attorneys, working to their utmost even in a political climate that didn’t accept them. We thought this month would be a good time to learn a little bit more about these two trailblazers in Maryland law. Who was Margaret Brent? Margaret Brent was a significant [...]

Mar 25, 2024

UPDATE: Both Parents Michigan School Shooter Found Guilty of Involuntary Manslaughter

By |March 25th, 2024|Criminal|

In November 2021, a 15-year-old child brought a gun into school; he killed four students and injured another seven. He pled guilty to 24 criminal charges including first-degree murder and terrorism. His name is Ethan Crumbley, and he admitted to killing those other children. Jennifer Crumbley is his mother. She didn’t shoot anyone, but a jury found her guilty today of involuntary manslaughter – a verdict that is likely to set an entirely new precedent [...]

Feb 26, 2024

AI Facial Recognition Technology Isn’t Accurate Enough for Use in Criminal Cases

By |February 26th, 2024|Criminal|

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used for many different reasons – many exciting and many terrifying. One use of AI is to recognize a person’s face. The core ideas are that software developers: Design programs that start with a current face, such as the face a person presents to a security system or a face that has been identified by law enforcement. Create and access a database of facial images from many different sources. Program [...]

Feb 19, 2024

What Happens at Court-Ordered Alcohol Evaluations, Rehab, and Treatment Programs?

By |February 19th, 2024|Criminal|

In Maryland, a judge may order that a defendant who is charged with a DUI (driving under the influence), a DWI (driving while intoxicated), or another alcohol/drug-related offense undergo a substance abuse evaluation. This evaluation is used to evaluate if the defendant has a substance abuse disorder and what treatment plan should be ordered depending on the result of the criminal charges. Generally, the substance evaluation must be completed before the defendant is sentenced. In [...]

Feb 12, 2024

Legislators Should Leave the Child Interrogation Protection Act in Place

By |February 12th, 2024|Criminal|

The Maryland Child Interrogation Protection Act went into effect on October 1, 2022. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Act protects children/juveniles in several ways: There is a requirement that the child be able to consult with a lawyer when he/she is taken into custody unless there is a public safety emergency. The parents or guardians of the child must be notified that their child is in custody. The law creates a [...]

Feb 8, 2024

Everett J. Waring Was Maryland’s First African-American Attorney

By |February 8th, 2024|Legal Matters|

Black History Month was created to celebrate the history and contributions of the African diaspora and their ancestors. One of those ancestors is Everett J. Waring, the first African-American lawyer admitted to practice in Maryland. He was also the first Black lawyer to argue a case in front of the Supreme Court of the United States. While being the first of anything is an honor, being the first African-American to do something in Maryland is [...]

Feb 5, 2024

Can You Be Charged With a Crime That Doesn’t Exist?

By |February 5th, 2024|Criminal|

The world of virtual reality may be moving too fast. Most people understand that when they play a virtual game, that the characters aren’t really hurt or killed. You can just end the game and start playing a new one. It’s like the old Road Runner cartoons where Wile E. Coyote always ends up being crushed by some product that failed, though everyone knows he’s not a real character and he’ll be fully healed by [...]

Jan 29, 2024

Joseph Carey Selected for Super Lawyers for Ninth Year in a Row

By |January 29th, 2024|Firm News|

Carey Law Office, LLC is pleased to announce that Joseph Carey was selected for inclusion in the 2024 Maryland Super Lawyers list for his work in the area of Criminal Defense. This is the ninth consecutive year Mr. Carey has been named to Super Lawyers. Super Lawyers is an objective rating service that creates an annual list of “outstanding lawyers who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement.” You cannot purchase a [...]

Jan 8, 2024

What Happens if I Get a DUI Outside of Maryland?

By |January 8th, 2024|DUI|

Many Maryland drivers are charged and convicted of driving under the influence in another state. They are likely to have a number of questions when that happens. These questions may arise if a driver is: Convicted of a DUI in another state and then subsequently charged with a DUI in Maryland Convicted of a DUI in Maryland and then charged with a DUI in another state Applies for a Maryland driver’s license after the DUI [...]

Jan 2, 2024

Can I Challenge My Breathalyzer Results?

By |January 2nd, 2024|Criminal|

The results of a breathalyzer test can affect what criminal charges are filed against you and can affect your driving privileges. In most drunk driving cases, the breathalyzer test is the key evidence against a driver. If the results of the breathalyzer test can be excluded, many defendants can walk away from the charges and the charges will be dismissed. If the results are admitted, we can work to explain negative results, but those explanations [...]

Dec 26, 2023

Noah’s Law Applies if You Refuse to Take a Breath Test

By |December 26th, 2023|DUI|

Noah’s Law is a Maryland drunk driving law that requires that anyone who is convicted of certain alcohol-related driving offenses must install and use an ignition interlock device system (IID). The law, formally titled “The Drunk Driving Reduction Act Of 2016,” is named after Noah Leotta, a 24-year-old police officer, who was struck and killed by a drunk driver at a sobriety checkpoint. The requirement of Noah’s Law to install and use an IID applies [...]

Dec 18, 2023

Clearing Your Record After a Conviction in Maryland

By |December 18th, 2023|Criminal|

In Maryland, some criminal records can be expunged and some cannot. Expungement essentially means that your criminal record is deleted or erased from court records and law enforcement records. Defendants often seek to have their records expunged so any convictions, arrests, or other resolution of the criminal charges in their case cannot be used against them. In addition to seeking expungements to clear a defendant’s name and protect them if new charges based on new [...]

Dec 15, 2023

Can a DUI Be Dismissed in Calvert County, Maryland?

By |December 15th, 2023|DUI|

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) are serious criminal charges. If you are found guilty, you will likely be imprisoned, fined, lose your right to drive, and face other consequences. You may be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) on your vehicle. An IID tests your breath before and while you’re driving for evidence of alcohol. A DUI or DWI can even affect your ability to work or find [...]

Nov 27, 2023

What Is the Statute of Limitations on Criminal Charges in Maryland?

By |November 27th, 2023|Criminal|

The term "statute of limitations" indicates the limited period during which an injured person can file a lawsuit against someone who harmed them. The statute of limitations for criminal charges in Maryland varies according to the specific crime. Some crimes in Maryland have no statute of limitations, which means that charges can be filed at any time after the alleged crime occurred. These crimes include murder, manslaughter, rape, sexual offenses involving a minor, and certain [...]

Nov 22, 2023

Maryland’s Handgun Qualification Law Found Unconstitutional

By |November 22nd, 2023|Gun Laws|

A three-judge panel of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals struck a blow for the Constitution on Tuesday, when it ruled that the state’s Handgun Qualification Law is unconstitutional. Per Maryland Matters, “in its decision, a split three-judge panel ruled that the law unduly burdens Second Amendment rights. Additionally, the judges wrote that Maryland failed to show a ‘historical tradition’ of firearm regulation justifying the license.” The law, passed in 2016, has seen consistent pushback [...]

Nov 20, 2023

Why You Want an Attorney for a Maryland Public Intoxication Charge

By |November 20th, 2023|DUI|

Public intoxication laws vary according to state. In Maryland, drinking alcoholic beverages in a public place is illegal and may result in fines of as much as $100, up to 90 days in jail, or a combination of the two. Since fighting the charges on your own might prove difficult, obtaining the assistance of a qualified Maryland criminal defense lawyer is generally a wise move to make. What is public intoxication? Public intoxication laws in [...]

Nov 13, 2023

What Are the Laws for Filming Police in Maryland?

By |November 13th, 2023|Criminal|

In 1991, George Holliday recorded four white Los Angeles Police Department officers beating Black motorist Rodney King and submitted the video to the local news. Although filming police on the job was rare in the early 1990s, it has become common now, due to advances in technology and the widespread use of smartphones. Filming the police in Maryland is generally allowed, as long as you do not interfere with their lawful duties or violate other [...]

Nov 7, 2023

What You Should Know About PIT Maneuvers

By |November 7th, 2023|Criminal|

A PIT maneuver (Precision Immobilization Technique, Pursuit Intervention Technique, or Precision Intervention Tactic) is a law enforcement practice used to stop fleeing vehicles while exposing the driver, police and the public to minimal risk. While PIT maneuvers are considered standard procedures by most U.S. police departments, they have been banned in the UK and other parts of Europe because of the perceived danger they present. During a PIT maneuver, the pursuing vehicle pulls up beside [...]

Oct 30, 2023

What Are “Alcohol Education” Classes?

By |October 30th, 2023|DUI|

In Maryland, alcohol education classes typically mean educational programs or courses designed to provide individuals with information and skills related to alcohol use, abuse, and its consequences. These classes are often offered as part of the state's efforts to address issues related to alcohol abuse, impaired driving, and public safety. Who attends alcohol education classes in Maryland? Alcohol education classes are typically attended by individuals who are required to complete them as part of a [...]

Oct 16, 2023

That Misdemeanor DUI/DWI Charge Can Result in Very Serious Consequences

By |October 16th, 2023|DUI|

Here in Maryland, DUIs and DWIs are misdemeanors. This does not mean you shouldn’t take these charges very, very seriously – especially if you are facing a second or third offense. Understanding the potential consequences, and jail time, is important if you have been charged with a drunk driving offense. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Maryland is against the law. There are two types of drinking and driving offenses in our [...]

Oct 9, 2023

What Teachers and Child Care Professionals Need to Know About Legalized Marijuana

By |October 9th, 2023|Drugs|

With the start of the new school year in September 2023, students, teachers, and parents need to understand how Maryland’s new recreational marijuana law applies. Fundamentally, anyone who attends a school, works in a school, or provides daycare services needs to understand that there are state laws and there are educational regulations. Violations of the laws may result in criminal charges. Violations of the educational regulations may result in disciplinary actions, including suspension, expulsion, termination, [...]

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Susan M.

"I was very pleased with the help I got. Even though I was scared, had never been in trouble before, and had a lot of questions, everyone was as nice and sweet as they could be – I loved everybody. Mr. Carey is a classy, intelligent man, and he and [his staff] make a great team. I always keep their number in my phone and their card in my wallet, and if I ever need a lawyer, that’s who I’ll call."

Susan M.

Jonathan V.

"It was a great experience, [Mr. Carey] did a really good job. I was recommended through a friend, and I was very happy – he was a lot better than my last lawyer."

Jonathan V.

Monica B.

"We were very pleased – the case had a nice outcome. [Mr. Carey] was professional, courteous, and on time. He was so easy to talk to, concerned, and caring – it was an enjoyable experience for what we had to go through. I also really appreciated how he was so easy to contact, and [the staff] really put me at ease."

Monica B.

Robbie L.

"I have to say thank you with all my heart. Mr. Carey is a wonderful lawyer."

Robbie L.

Larry M.

"My experience at Carey Law Office was nothing but success and I truly value all the great work he and his team did."

Larry M.

Godfrey E.

"[This is a] very, very, very professional office. [Everyone is] very attentive to clients’ problems, working diligently to communicate with [their] clients."

Godfrey E.