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Oct 2, 2023

Online “Pranks” Can Lead to an Arrest

By |October 2nd, 2023|Criminal|

While they may be fun or seem harmless to the poster, some online pranks can harm other people. They can also use up valuable police resources until the police determine what is true and what is false. A few recent examples illustrate that youngsters, teenagers, and adults of all ages need to understand that social media, YouTube, and other internet pranks can lead to the filing of criminal charges in juvenile court and adult court. [...]

Sep 26, 2023

How to Talk to Your Children About Consent, Before It’s Too Late

By |September 26th, 2023|Sexual Assault|

As the new school term starts in both college and high school, parents and students need to discuss what type of sexual activity might lead to criminal charges. Parents of students who don’t attend college should also discuss with their children what sexual activity may be illegal. While there are many things to discuss such as physical safety, safe sex, respect, dignity, drugs, alcohol, and other issues – one important topic is why consent is [...]

Sep 18, 2023

Is Driving Under the Influence a Felony in Maryland?

By |September 18th, 2023|DUI|

In most cases, DUI offenses by themselves are misdemeanors. DUIs may become felonies if additional circumstances add to the severity of the offense, such as if someone is killed. Whether the charge is a misdemeanor or a felony, there are often defenses. The police may not be able to prove that you were intoxicated or under the influence of drugs at the time of the offense. Breath tests and blood tests may not be admissible [...]

Sep 5, 2023

You Can Be Arrested at Any Time for Felony Assault in Maryland

By |September 5th, 2023|Criminal|

Did you know you can be arrested for a felony assault at any time here in Maryland, no matter when it occurred? The reason for this is because Maryland has no statute of limitations on felony grade assault crimes. But what is a statute of limitations? In the realm of criminal law, statutes of limitations place a time limit on when charges can be filed for a particular crime. However, it bears repeating, when it [...]

Aug 28, 2023

There’s No Such Thing as a Marijuana Field Sobriety Test

By |August 28th, 2023|Drugs|

Field sobriety tests (FSTs) have long been utilized by law enforcement to detect alcohol impairment in drivers. However, with the recent legalization of marijuana in Maryland, concerns arise regarding the potential use of similar tests for marijuana impairment on drivers. Given the flaws in the long-used field sobriety tests for alcohol impairment, we should question the efficacy of reapplying this already flawed system to marijuana users. How can we trust in the reliability of a [...]

Aug 21, 2023

Maryland Should Record All Interrogations

By |August 21st, 2023|Criminal|

Not only Maryland, but all states should mandate recording of all interrogations. It is shocking, with the accessibility and ease of recording technology today, that such a serious legal matter as a criminal interrogation cannot be recorded for reference purposes; but this is the reality in the United States today. According to an October 2022 report, notes that only 27 states (Washington D.C. included) have adopted statewide interrogation recording policies. While common sense would [...]

Aug 14, 2023

My Child Is Facing a DUI Charge in Maryland. What Do I Do?

By |August 14th, 2023|DUI|

Finding out that your child is facing a DUI charge is a stressful situation for any parent. Regardless of their age, if this is your child’s first criminal charge, they are likely reeling from the incident. From future implications to social stigma, this event can have a significant impact on their self-image during key developmental years. As a parent, your child needs your support and guidance during this challenging time, even though frustration is an [...]

Aug 9, 2023

US Supreme Court Provides First Amendment Protections for Threat and Stalking Crimes

By |August 9th, 2023|Criminal|

The US Supreme Court ruled on June 27, 2023, in a 7-2 decision, that statements that qualify as “true threats” are not protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution – unless the government can show that the defendant who made the statements had some understanding of the threatening nature of the threats. This means, in short, that there needs to be some subjective (personal) evidence of the threat’s potential for harm, as opposed [...]

Jul 11, 2023

The Collateral Consequences of a Drug Conviction

By |July 11th, 2023|Drugs|

A drug conviction carries much more than just immediate legal penalties. Beyond things like fines, probation, or prison time, individuals convicted of drug crimes can face what’s called “collateral consequences.” These can have a significant effect on one’s life. Collateral consequences, which can extend long beyond a direct sentence, can affect various aspects of your personal, professional, and social life. Today we want to discuss the collateral consequences of a drug conviction and how they [...]

Jul 5, 2023

Understanding Your Miranda Rights: What You Should Know

By |July 5th, 2023|Criminal|

If you find yourself in a criminal situation, it is crucial to understand – and assert – your rights to protect yourself. One of the most fundamental rights you have in the United States is Miranda Rights, and it is vital you know what these are. These rights, established by the landmark Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona in 1966, ensure that individuals are aware of their rights during police interrogations and custodial situations. By [...]

Jun 26, 2023

Understanding the Elements of a Strong Defense Strategy

By |June 26th, 2023|Criminal|

When facing criminal charges, a strong defense strategy is essential for protecting your rights, ensuring a fair trial, and achieving the best possible outcome. A well-crafted defense strategy takes into account the specific circumstances of your case, examines the evidence, and aims to challenge the prosecution's case. Today we want to discuss the elements of a strong defense strategy and discuss key considerations for defendants and their attorneys. By understanding these elements, you can more [...]

Jun 23, 2023

Myths and Misconceptions About Ignition Interlock Devices

By |June 23rd, 2023|DUI|

Ignition interlock devices (IIDs) are a tool used by authorities in preventing drunk driving incidents and improving road safety. However, certain misconceptions and myths surrounding IIDs can hinder their acceptance and effectiveness. If you are facing using an IID in your vehicle, it is important to understand the truth behind what they are, in order to allow one to work most effectively for you. Today’s blog aims to dispel some common myths and promote a [...]

Jun 5, 2023

A Recent Maryland Appellate Court Decision May Affect Your Security Clearance

By |June 5th, 2023|Criminal|

The Maryland Appellate Court, Maryland’s second-highest court, ruled recently that a man who had a federal misdemeanor conviction on his criminal record since 1999 was properly denied a handgun qualification license based on Maryland law. The case is likely to affect more than the right of Maryland residents to own a gun. If you need a gun for your job, you may now be ineligible. If you have a criminal conviction, the granting of a [...]

May 29, 2023

How Your Mental Health Can Affect a Criminal Charge

By |May 29th, 2023|Criminal|

Many states still struggle with identifying and treating mental illness of those who commit crimes rather than resorting to incarceration—and Maryland is unfortunately one of them. In this day and age, most people have become aware of how the mental health status of a defendant can significantly impact the outcome of their criminal charges. Despite the prevalence of mental illness, the criminal justice system often fails to address underlying mental health issues, which many times [...]

May 22, 2023

What You Should Know About Federal Drug Charges

By |May 22nd, 2023|Criminal|

Most drug possession crimes in Maryland are prosecuted at the state level. However, they can sometimes be bumped to federal charges in certain scenarios. Something like getting caught with drugs while on federal property can result in serious legal consequences, including hefty fines and long prison sentences. When it comes to battling a drug charge in a federal case, more agencies and resources are involved because they are more serious charges. If you are facing [...]

May 15, 2023

Marijuana Can Cost You Your Security Clearance

By |May 15th, 2023|Criminal|

Working in certain roles for the federal government requires you to apply for security clearance, as many positions may involve access to classified information. The process of vetting employees who apply for clearance is designed to ensure that those who work in these positions are trustworthy and reliable. Even after you receive security clearance, you still need to maintain it. Maintaining a security clearance requires adhering to strict guidelines, including avoiding behaviors that could compromise [...]

May 8, 2023

How Will a DUI Affect My Car Insurance?

By |May 8th, 2023|DUI|

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in Maryland, and it can come with serious consequences as well. Apart from legal troubles and hefty fines, a DUI conviction can also have a significant impact on your car insurance rates. After a driver has been caught with at least an .08% blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) level while behind the wheel, many insurance companies will deem them a risk—and being seen as a risk can negatively [...]

May 1, 2023

Can You Challenge Blood Test Results for DUI?

By |May 1st, 2023|DUI|

Dealing with a DUI charge can be an extremely stressful experience. One mistake of getting behind the wheel after a few drinks can cost you months of legal troubles—and maybe even your freedom. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that there were 11,654 people killed in car crashes where at least 1 driver was intoxicated in 2020. With numbers this high, it is no wonder why law enforcement has been cracking down on [...]

Apr 10, 2023

Woman’s DUI Stop Leads to Lifesaving Brain Surgery

By |April 10th, 2023|DUI|

Last December, some police got a call about a suspected drunk driver. They did find an erratic driver, and what they would do next would change the driver’s life – and for the better. However, this isn’t a story of someone with an alcohol dependency hitting rock bottom. In fact, it’s a story of someone having a medical episode behind the wheel and the police officers who realized she needed assistance. Good Morning America (GMA) [...]

Apr 3, 2023

Rap Artist Afroman Sued by Police Who Raided His Home

By |April 3rd, 2023|Criminal|

After police wrongly raided his home last summer, rap artist Afroman decided to make light of his losses and release an album and videos using home footage of the situation. Now, he’s facing charges from seven of the officers involved in the raid, citing invasion of privacy and public humiliation. What kind of recourse do you have when officers wrongly break into your home and destroy your property? What happened with Afroman? A group of [...]

Mar 27, 2023

What Makes a Traffic Stop Legal?

By |March 27th, 2023|Constitutional rights|

If you have ever been behind the wheel, you most likely have experienced the fear or worry of being pulled over or have actually had a police officer pull you over. This may lead you to wonder what makes a traffic stop legal or illegal, which is a typical curiosity when these instances occur. The Bowie criminal defense attorneys at Carey Law Office explain what makes a traffic stop legal. We are here to tell [...]

Mar 20, 2023

When Is Video Admissible in a Criminal Case?

By |March 20th, 2023|Criminal|

It has become very common for people to record important things happening in their lives. In fact, you cannot go anywhere without seeing someone pulling out their camera or cell phone to record something. Therefore, when a crime is occurring either to you or to another person, one of your first impulses may be to pull out your device and start recording. The Bowie criminal defense attorneys at Carey Law Office know when a video [...]

Mar 13, 2023

There’s No Such Thing as a DUI Loophole

By |March 13th, 2023|DUI|

In Maryland, lawmakers and families are trying to close a “loophole” in the state’s DUI law. They want to close this loophole because they do not believe their family members who were killed in drunk driving accidents received the justice they deserved, and they say that closing the loophole will save lives. The reason why these families believe that there is a loophole is because drivers who receive probation before judgment (PBJ) can avoid getting [...]

Mar 8, 2023

That Amendment Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

By |March 8th, 2023|Criminal|

Spend any time on social media and you’re bound to run into them: the so-called Constitutional scholars who earned their stripes listening to news shows or following attorneys on Twitter. We used to think that these folks were harmless, and perhaps they are – but we’re seeing some disturbing trends when it comes to understanding the basic rights granted by our nation’s founders. So today, we want to talk a bit about what some of [...]

Feb 13, 2023

How Does an Ignition Interlock Device Work?

By |February 13th, 2023|DUI|

Accidents are more common—and more deadly—when alcohol is involved because it can slow down your reaction time, impair your muscle coordination, cause poor judgment, and more. Each of these factors on their own make it dangerous to operate a vehicle, but all of them combined can make it deadly. Accidents caused by drunk drivers are always 100% preventable, but that does not make them any less prevalent. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [...]

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Susan M.

"I was very pleased with the help I got. Even though I was scared, had never been in trouble before, and had a lot of questions, everyone was as nice and sweet as they could be – I loved everybody. Mr. Carey is a classy, intelligent man, and he and [his staff] make a great team. I always keep their number in my phone and their card in my wallet, and if I ever need a lawyer, that’s who I’ll call."

Susan M.

Jonathan V.

"It was a great experience, [Mr. Carey] did a really good job. I was recommended through a friend, and I was very happy – he was a lot better than my last lawyer."

Jonathan V.

Monica B.

"We were very pleased – the case had a nice outcome. [Mr. Carey] was professional, courteous, and on time. He was so easy to talk to, concerned, and caring – it was an enjoyable experience for what we had to go through. I also really appreciated how he was so easy to contact, and [the staff] really put me at ease."

Monica B.

Robbie L.

"I have to say thank you with all my heart. Mr. Carey is a wonderful lawyer."

Robbie L.

Larry M.

"My experience at Carey Law Office was nothing but success and I truly value all the great work he and his team did."

Larry M.

Godfrey E.

"[This is a] very, very, very professional office. [Everyone is] very attentive to clients’ problems, working diligently to communicate with [their] clients."

Godfrey E.