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Nov 15, 2022

How Do Expungements Work?

By |November 15th, 2022|Criminal|

Many of us are familiar with pardons because of Thanksgiving. It has been tradition for over half a century for the president to “pardon” a turkey from becoming someone’s Thanksgiving dinner. We all understand that to mean that the turkey is being granted reprieve from its fate. Many folks are less familiar with record expungements. Expungement is similar to a pardon in that it concerns an individual’s past crimes. With a pardon, you will no [...]

Oct 3, 2022

When Should Crimes Be Combined Under the Armed Career Criminal Act?

By |October 3rd, 2022|Criminal|

The Armed Career Criminal Act (ACCA) is a federal law, passed in 1984, that increases the sentences for felons who commit crimes with firearms if they have three or more violent felony convictions or serious drug offenses. The Act provides that a defendant who meets the definitions under the Act receives a 15-year minimum prison sentence instead of the maximum 10-year prison sentence. Convicted defendants can also be sentenced to life imprisonment under the Armed [...]

Sep 26, 2022

Maryland Court Rules Authorities Must Limit Cellphone Searches

By |September 26th, 2022|Criminal|

In what’s being called a precedent-setting decision, Maryland’s highest court recently ruled that search warrants for cellphones and smartphones must be specific to the crime-related information being sought. What this means for individuals accused of crimes is that police and detectives can no longer search through the contents of an entire device, which often contains highly personal information – only content specifically listed in a search warrant that is relevant to the criminal activity at [...]

Jul 25, 2022

Maryland’s Existing Gun Control Laws Are Officially Unconstitutional

By |July 25th, 2022|Criminal|

The Supreme Court of the United States’ 6-3 ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen officially made at least one of Maryland’s gun laws unconstitutional. The ruling, which extended the rights granted under District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), allows law-abiding citizens to carry a handgun outside of the home for any reason. Mark W. Pennak, president of Maryland Shall Issue Inc., also told the Daily Record that he believes the [...]

Jul 18, 2022

Can States Criminalize Travel for Abortion Services?

By |July 18th, 2022|Criminal|

Back in 2003, the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, along with the advertising company R&R Partners, cooked up an ad campaign to rebrand Sin City. The campaign, called “What Happens Here, Stays Here,” is one of the most successful campaigns in advertising history. The commercials are funny, slick, and sexy, and rooted in one indelible fact: in Vegas, you are free to do things that you are not free to do at home. And [...]

Jun 27, 2022

Don’t Make These Mistakes If You’re Being Investigated for a Sex Crime

By |June 27th, 2022|Criminal|

Sex crimes, like sexual assault and rape, are complex charges with severe penalties upon conviction. Even accusations can cause damage to all aspects of a person’s life and reputation, whether the person is convicted of the charges or not. The most important thing to do when facing sex crime charges is to remain calm, understand your rights, and remember what to do to protect your case. Following are some of the most common mistakes people [...]

Jun 6, 2022

Using Man’s Best Friend as a Dangerous Weapon

By |June 6th, 2022|Criminal|

The term “deadly weapon” typically makes individuals think of a gun or knife, or an inanimate object that can be used to cause harm. However, recently two men allegedly used a dog as a way to attack and rob a man. According to CBS News, two men and a dog approached an unarmed man and unleashed their dog, and it attacked him, biting him in both legs and his left arm. The alleged robbers took [...]

May 23, 2022

An Overview of Gun Possession by Prohibited Person Laws in Maryland

By |May 23rd, 2022|Criminal|

Here in Maryland, conviction of certain crimes bars an individual from gun and weapon possession. Typically these state laws are in line with federal gun control laws targeting ex-felons. However, a recent case out of the Maryland Court of Appeals demonstrates that our state’s gun control laws are even stronger than the federal government’s, a decision that could affect many people in the future. Some background on the case Mashour Howling and Funiba Abongnelah were [...]

Mar 28, 2022

Penalties for Drug Crimes Within School Zones

By |March 28th, 2022|Criminal, Drugs|

It is no secret that the United States has a prison problem. Prisons far too full, and the government spends no small amount of money housing prisoners. Thanks to the failed “War on Drugs,” there are people serving sentences of ten, twenty, even up to thirty years in prison for non-violent crimes. For many, these long sentences are the result of prior arrests and convictions (mandatory sentencing for the so-called “three strikes” rules; others for [...]

Mar 1, 2022

The Impact of Criminal Convictions on Security Clearances in Maryland

By |March 1st, 2022|Criminal|

If you were to ask the average person what punishments they think of when they hear the words “criminal conviction,” you would likely hear answers like “jail time” or “fines.” Others might mention restitution, or the loss of the right to vote. All of these penalties are, of course, possible – but there are collateral damages to a conviction that you may not know. One such example is the loss of a security clearance. A [...]

Jan 31, 2022

Ocean City Road Rage Incident Leads to Felony Assault Charge

By |January 31st, 2022|Criminal|

A road rage incident occurring in Ocean City, Maryland last month almost turned deadly after one of the parties allegedly pulled a knife out during the altercation. According to police reports, the incident began when a driver (we’ll call him “John Doe,” as his name was not released) made a lane change in front of another driver’s car. After the lane change, it is alleged that Scott Williamson followed Doe closely from behind and sped [...]

Jan 25, 2022

Former Caroline County Deputy Involved in Felony Theft Case

By |January 25th, 2022|Criminal|

A former Caroline County deputy is awaiting sentencing towards the end of this month for violating his presentence release terms in November. Steven Biddle pleaded guilty to felony theft in August after allegedly reaching out to several community members and loved ones for exorbitant amounts of money under the false guise of damages for a car accident. Biddle allegedly wore his deputy uniform while requesting at least $100,000 of donations from multiple victims. After voluntarily [...]

Jan 17, 2022

Baltimore Public Works Employee Facing Multiple Charges

By |January 17th, 2022|Criminal|

Before last year came to a close, one Baltimore Public Works employee wanted to end the year on a high note. The employee was accused of stealing a truck owned by the city with the intention of stealing a bank ATM machine. On December 29, Baltimore County Police received a call around 3:30 a.m. about a burglary at the BB&T bank in Owings Mills. When the officers arrived on the scene, the ATM machine was [...]

Jan 4, 2022

Hidden Police Quotas Cost the People

By |January 4th, 2022|Criminal|

Ideally, police pull someone over when they are driving dangerously or otherwise breaking the law. In the case of reckless driving, this is to help protect everyone else from a possible accident and deter the driver from doing it in the future. We know this. It is no secret that it happens, and statistically, it will probably happen to most drivers on the road. What is a secret, however – or rather, what they wish [...]

Dec 27, 2021

Resisting Arrest in Maryland: What You Need to Know

By |December 27th, 2021|Criminal|

The most important thing you need to remember if you are arrested – whether you committed a crime or not – is that if you resist through force, you can be charged with another crime. However, it is paramount you understand your rights, as resisting arrest charges are complex and, depending on the circumstances, may be unlawful. Today’s blog discusses the details around resisting arrest, what it entails, and the potential defenses should you be [...]

Dec 20, 2021

Robbery, Theft, and Assault: Crimes Against People vs. Property

By |December 20th, 2021|Criminal|

Legalese is as confusing as it is intimidating. While all the intricacies of the law are in place to make it as fair as possible, it still has the unfortunate result of alienating those it is meant to protect. Of course, pop culture is no help, with how frequently legal language is misused in shows and movies. How many times have you heard murder used interchangeably with homicide? Or that you must be read your [...]

Dec 14, 2021

When Will Maryland See Marijuana Legalization?

By |December 14th, 2021|Criminal, Drugs|

As more and more states legalize recreational marijuana use, it remains unlawful in the state of Maryland. Anything under 10 grams of pot is a civil offense with a $100 fine, and anything under 10 pounds is a misdemeanor that comes along with jail time and a $1,000 fine. Public use can also net you a civil fine of up to 100 dollars. However, public opinion changes over time, and Maryland lawmakers may soon consider [...]

Nov 23, 2021

What Happens if My Child is Arrested in Maryland?

By |November 23rd, 2021|Criminal|

Even though some parents joke about what they would do if they received a phone call that their child has been arrested, receiving that type of call could be a parent’s worst nightmare. No parent wants to think about their child being left in the hands of other adults that may or may not have their best interest at heart. Although an arrest is not the end of the world for your child, it can [...]

Nov 16, 2021

How to Protect Yourself Online When Using Social Media

By |November 16th, 2021|Criminal|

Many investigators are beginning to pursue social media or app wiretaps to help prosecute certain crimes. In fact, there are currently nine cases in Maryland where authorities have requested permission to wiretap social media or digital apps,. The most recent example of this phenomenon is a case that happened last year in Harford County. In the pursuit of suspected drug traffickers, authorities requested permission from a judge to listen in on a suspect’s phone conversations. [...]

Nov 8, 2021

What Happens If I Violate My Probation in Maryland?

By |November 8th, 2021|Criminal|

If you have found yourself in a position where you have violated probation in Maryland, you are not alone. Each year, thousands of residents in Maryland are sentenced to probation for many reasons. With jails becoming overpopulated, and probation can serve as an alternative solution that benefits both the probationer and the criminal justice system. Over time, however, it is evident that as the number of people that are placed on probation increases, the number [...]

Nov 1, 2021

What Are the Penalties for Public Intoxication in Maryland?

By |November 1st, 2021|Criminal|

The crime of public intoxication is exactly what it sounds like. For you to be charged with this offense, it has to be proven that you were either in a public space, and while occupying that public space you were intoxicated. You may think that a misdemeanor charge of public intoxication is essentially harmless; however, that is what makes this charge very misleading. How does the state of Maryland define public intoxication? In the state [...]

Aug 24, 2021

What Is Extortion, and What Defenses May Apply?

By |August 24th, 2021|Criminal|

The crime of extortion was in the news recently when it was revealed that attorney Michael Avenatti was sentenced to 2 ½ years in jail for attempting to extort Nike, a sportswear manufacturer. Mr. Avenatti became well-known as the attorney for Stormy Daniels. According to BuzzFeed News, federal prosecutors asserted that Avenatti used his fame to try to extort millions of dollars from Nike “with threats to accuse employees of misconduct.” BuzzFeed News reports that [...]

Aug 17, 2021

When Drunk and Drugged Driving Turns Deadly

By |August 17th, 2021|Criminal|

Any driver who operates his/her vehicle while under the influence of alcohol risks being charged with a DUI. If a person is killed as a result of a drunk driver, a drugged driver, or even a driver who is not quite legally drunk but still impaired by alcohol, that driver could face a different set of felony charges. All of these offenses will likely result in a lengthy prison sentence and substantial fines. Simply put, [...]

Aug 10, 2021

The Pandemic Caused Mass Violations of Constitutional Rights

By |August 10th, 2021|Criminal|

As criminal trials are resuming due to the vaccinations across the state, the criminal justice system needs to review whether justice delayed is fair justice for some criminal defendants. Many trials were postponed during the COVID-19 pandemic due to concerns jurors, court personnel, and defendants would become infected through close contact. While it is understandable why jury trials were largely suspended during the pandemic, the reality is that many defendants spent more time in jail [...]

Aug 4, 2021

Jury Finds Capital Gazette Shooter Criminally Responsible for Killing Five People in 2018

By |August 4th, 2021|Criminal|

Twelve jurors voted unanimously to hold the defendant in the Capital Gazette mass shooting criminally responsible for his actions. The jury consisted of eight men and four women. The family members who attended the trial, which took just under two weeks, thanked the jurors for their verdict. CBS News reported that that one of the widows of a victim said that the deaths of the five victims affected many more people than the five victims. [...]

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"It was a great experience, [Mr. Carey] did a really good job. I was recommended through a friend, and I was very happy – he was a lot better than my last lawyer."

Jonathan V.

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